
Management of Injury, Illness & Chronic Disease

Whether it be Lower Back Pain, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome, MS, Parkinson’s Disease, Cancer, or any other chronic injury or illness, our practical use of professional exercise intervention has proven to be a very beneficial form of treatment to date. Researchers, clinicians and medical professionals worldwide are increasingly discovering, implementing and promoting the positive benefits of exercise-specific treatment for their patients with groundbreaking results.

EPiActive Healthcare understands the intricacy of such health issues and is committed to appropriate communication and liaison between all relevant health professionals where required. EPiActive will always endeavour to go above & beyond for its Healthcare family.

For more information on evidence-based research, please contact us as we have access to extensive articles & publications from the most reputable medical journals worldwide.

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Personal Training from Accredited EP’s and Exercise Scientists

Our highly experienced and accredited EP’s and Exercise Scientists work closely with individuals to tailor exercise programs to reach desired outcomes in the most safe, timely and effective manner. Whether it be weight-loss, body sculpting, or improved aerobic fitness, we have you covered!

Our university-degree qualified trainers, have studied years of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, and nutrition amongst other subjects. They are well-qualified to ensure that your training sessions are specifically tailored to meet your goals in the most safe, timely and effective manner. Through years of experience catering to all ages, fitness & experience levels, EPiActive guarantees your sessions will be educational, unique and fun.

Comprehensive Health Assessment

One-on-one consultations where individuals are encouraged to explore potential barriers to better health, and devise a detailed pathway to better manage their own health in their own time. Consultations and programs include the measuring and monitoring of key health indicators such as Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Blood sugar levels, body composition, VO2max (fitness levels) & more!

EPiActive Healthcare monitors the health of its clients by tracking key indicators of cardiovascular and respiratory health. This enables us to prescribe comprehensive health intervention to directly target the improvement of identified areas of concern. Through our collaborative approach to health and wellness, our clients are able to see the changes for themselves.

Our Comprehensive Health Assessments provide individuals with Personalised Health Profiles including:

  • Body Composition (Body fat %, BMI)
  • Aerobic fitness (VO2 max)
  • Blood Pressure
  • Blood Lipids (HDL, LDL, TG & Glucose)
  • Dietary Analysis
  • Spirometry (TLC, FEV1, RER, etc)
  • Biomechanics
  • Work-specific function
  • Postural Appraisal
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Injury Management & Rehabilitation:

Recovering from a recent surgery? Have you had a chronic (long-term) musculoskeletal issue disrupting your training routine, or impacting your quality of life? Lower-back pain anyone? At EPiActive Healthcare we use evidence-based research and practice to ensure a pain-free & timely return to pre-injury capacities and an improved overall quality of life.

Lifestyle Intervention/
Wellness Programs

Our Accredited Exercise Physiologists are trained to adapt and implement multi-disciplinary approaches to achieve change.

Identifying barriers (physical, psychological, financial, geographical etc.), and personalising intervention programs to overcoming these, allows us to equipt each client with the necessary resources to ultimately achieve healthier, happier & more sustainable lifestyles.

EPiActive Healthcare conducts programs through the following:

  • Schools
  • Worksites
  • Sporting & leisure groups
  • Corporate workplaces
  • Community centres
  • Social groups

Outdoor Group Training

Specialized group training sessions in some of Sydney’s most spectacular & picturesque locations. Sessions include boxercise, circuit training, boot-camp style & more!

Regardless of where we exercise, our trainers at EPiActive Healthcare are skilled to tailor outstanding fitness and functional-specific training sessions in all settings & environments. All of our group sessions have the ability to cater to newcomers, as well as the most seasoned trainers – all in the one enjoyable yet challenging workout!

Private tailored groups can be arranged upon request.

School & Workplace programs

From childcare to corporate, EPiActive Healthcare offers interactive workshops, seminars & activity days aimed to educate target-groups through relatable means regarding topics of importance and/or interest.

From promoting active games for kids without a focus being on ‘exercise’, to managing postural awareness in adults and desk-job specialists. From how to pack a healthy ‘little-lunch’ for the little ones, to how to manage cholesterol or control kilojoule-intake for corporates ‘on-the-go’, EPiActive Healthcare promises to deliver engaging, educational & enjoyable services for all groups.

Medicare, NDIS, DVA, & Private Health Fund Rebates available!

Please contact us for more information regarding your eligibility

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